Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 16

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

It is wonderful to see you all today!  I hope you are ready for some exhilarating discussion about our first presidents!  Huzzah!  After that we will be doing some primary source reading and talking about the Louisiana Purchase.  I'm genuinely excited everybody!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Warm-Up #9
  2. Discuss: America's first decades
  3. Reading Activity: Louisiana Purchase
    1.  First open the Louisiana Purchase Document
      1. File --> Make a copy
      2. Rename --> "P(2 or 4)_LastNameFirstInitial_Louisiana Purchase Activity"
    2. Read the 1st page (Louisiana Purchase Timeline) and annotate
      1. Think about these questions while taking notes
        1. What was the Louisiana Purchase?
        2. How do you think Americans felt about it?
    3. Read the 2nd Page (Primary Source written by Alexander Hamilton)
      1. Think about these questions as you annotate
        1. What is Hamilton's relationship with Thomas Jefferson?
        2. How might this relationship impact his views regarding decisions by the Jefferson administration?
    4. Read the 3rd and final page (Primary Source letter written by Federalists)
      1. Think about these questions as you annotate
        1. What were the primary concerns of the Federalists over the Louisiana Purchase?
        2. Do you think these concerns were justified?
        3. What do these documents illustrate about the Point of View of Federalists regarding Thomas Jefferson?
    5. Finally write a thesis statement that answers the following prompt:
      1. Assess the validity of this statement: "Federalists opposed the Louisiana Purchase over practical political concerns, not animosity towards President Jefferson and the Democratic Republican Party" 
      2. Provide 3 specific pieces of evidence to support your thesis, along with an explanation of how it supports
        1. "The _[specific historical evidence]_ supports _[your thesis claim]_ because _[analysis_]"
  4. Closure #4
  1. Study for Unit 3 Exam
    1. Remember to practice writing a thesis and outlining an essay!
  2. Assemble the Unit 3 Packet
    1. Do not forget to submit the Louisiana Purchase document to Google Classroom
  3. Also there are readings for Unit 4 that are not required for Unit 3 to check out when the assignment sheet is posted.
That's it for today everyone.  Hope you enjoy!  I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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