Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Check Google Classroom Post

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I have received word today from SJUSD that we will begin remote instruction in the coming days/week(s). I am working on putting together a plan of action and a calendar for the work that we'll be doing. I will be publishing that on this google classroom site in the coming days. I will be recording videos of the day's lessons and then posting them on Classroom for you to view and take action. (still to be determined on that) There are still many questions that I have for the District that they are unable to clarify at this moment but what I do know is that we will be picking up and continuing our APUSH teaching and learning sooner rather than later.

I have already posted some stuff for you to check out and may have a more formal expectation as we figure this out.

What I'd like to ask from each of you is to respond to this post in the comments section that you have received this communication and confirm that you will be checking the site on a daily basis.
Once I have a more structured plan in place I will be communicating with you, and expecting a response, on our normal meeting days/times. Look forward to hearing from you all.

Live long and prosper

Mr. Marchetti


  1. Hi Mr. Marchetti, hope you're well!

  2. This is Chris, I just saw this and will check this site and GC on a daily basis from now on.

  3. I just saw this and will check this site and GC daily from now on.

  4. Hi Mr. Marchetti! Hope you're doing well, this is my comment saying that I will keep updated and check your site daily.
