Thursday, March 19, 2020

Update and Check in

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

How are you holding up on this fourth day of our closure?  I hope that you are all doing well and exercising self care while we are stuck in our homes.  I have not been able to post as much as I would like so far.  I am in the process of creating some lecture videos and practice questions for everyone as those were the two most asked for items from our survey.  I will post things here but I ask that everyone check Google Classroom as I start creating stuff, that way we can interact a little and you can ask questions or make comments.  The other thing that I will be using more (for practice questions) is the AP Classroom that we signed up for at the beginning of the year but have not been using.  That has a ton of practice questions for you all so that will be a great resource.  If you do not remember how to access/use that then let me know and I can post some guidance.  I hope that you are all well.  This is a very difficult time and I think about you all daily.  Take care of yourselves!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Image result for live long and prosper

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