Thursday, August 15, 2019

August 15 - Note Taking and Lecture #1

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you all again!  Today in class we will be covering a wide variety of topics in order to set ourselves up for success in this class!  There is so much going on these first few weeks and we will be having to keep our heads above water!  I hope that everyone is doing well so far, if you feel stressed make sure you check in with me!  I hope that everyone is doing well!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Discuss the skill of Cornel Note Taking
  2. Analyze the reasons for studying history through discussion
  3. Use critical skills of a historian to contrast differing perspectives of history
  1. Submit: Syllabus Signatures
  2. Recap: Why Study History Homework Assignment
  3. Review Unit 1 Assignment Sheet
  4. Warm-Up #1
  5. Skill Building: Note Taking
  6. Lecture #1 - America Before and After Europeans
  7. Closure #1
  1. AP Classroom Practice Test for participation credit
    1. Opens at 3pm on Friday and closes at midnight on Sunday
    2. Make sure you get it done!
  2. Historiography Assignment due Monday night
  3. Chapter 1 Reading Quiz on Monday
    1. First half of Chapter 2 will be on Quiz
  4. Unit 1 Test on Tuesday
    1. 50 States Geography Quiz
    2. 2 Short Answer Questions
  5. Unit 1 Packet due on Tuesday
  6. Deadline to switch to Accelerated September 13
That's all for today folks!  I hope that you are all taking good care of yourselves!  Lots of stuff right at the start of next week!  Take care and have a good weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

8-15-2019 PPT

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