Monday, August 19, 2019

August 19 - Chapter 1 Quiz

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see you beautiful people!  Today in class we have our first chapter quiz!  This week is a bit crazy so hopefully you can keep up with everything we are doing!  If it ever becomes too much or you need help/advice feel free to come talk to me and I will do what I can to help!  I know you can do this!  Let's get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Develop skills for responding to AP style short answer prompts
  2. Respond to document based multiple choice questions and a short answer question to demonstrate knowledge on Period 1
  1. Warm-Up #2
  2. Study Skills: Short Answer Writing
  3. Chapter 1 Quiz
  1. Unit 1 Test Tomorrow!
    1. 50 states quiz + 2 Short Answer Questions
  2. Unit 1 Packet due tomorrow!
  3. Print Unit 2 Assignment Sheet
  4. Chapter 2 Quiz on Thursday!
  5. Deadline to switch to Accelerated September 13
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that everyone is doing ok and hanging in there with the quick pace!  Take care and have a great evening!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

8-19-2019 PPT

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