Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 22 - CH 2 Quiz and Thesis Writing Workshop

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you amazing people!  Today in class we will wrap up any items that we did not finish on Tuesday and then we will be taking our Chapter 2 Quiz!  Huzzah for crazy assessment week!   Afterwards we will be working on how to write a good thesis statement for this class!  This is one of the most important skills that we will be developing so I hope that everyone is ready to work and learn!  I am so excited!  Let's get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Demonstrate content knowledge about early America through responding to select response questions and short answer prompts
  2. Understand and create thesis statements aligned with the AP Rubric criteria
  1. Finish (if necessary)
    1. Warm-Up #1
    2. Discuss: Unit 2
    3. Closure #1
  2. CH 2 Quiz
  3. Textbook Quest
  4. Warm-Up #2
  5. Skill Building: How to write a thesis
  6. Practice: Prompt and Thesis Breakdown
  7. Closure #2

  1. Finish all classwork
  2. CH 3 Quiz on Thursday
  3. CH 4 Quiz on Friday (Flipped Week next week)
  4. Deadline to switch to Accelerated September 13
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that everyone is doing well and gets some rest from all the crazy tests we took this week.  We got more coming up!  Huzzah!  Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti


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