Wednesday, April 29, 2020

AP Exam Update - IMPORTANT!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

College Board just released some important information about making sure that you are ready to take the AP Exams that are upcoming.  This is mostly related to making sure that your account is up to date and that your technology systems are ready to go on the day of the test.  It is crucial that you follow these steps to ensure that you have a smooth experience when you take the AP Exams starting May 11!  If you have any trouble let me know and I will do my best to help you!

  1. 2020 AP Testing Guide - This will walk you through the various steps to ensure that you know how the AP Exam will be administered 
    1. Info about the AP Exam E-Ticket
      1. You will get an email with your E-Ticket for EACH Exam you are taking!
      2. Make sure that your email registered with College Board is correct!
        1. Confirm your Email Address with College Board Here
    2. Check the Exam schedule to make sure you now when to log in
      1. Make sure you verify the correct time!
      2. We are on the Pacific Time Schedule
    3. Information about the June Make Up (Don't plan on doing this!  This is for people who have technical difficulties and/or other circumstances that prevent them from taking the exam in June)
    4. Various options for how to submit your exam
      1. For all responses
        1. Type/Write your AP ID and Initials at the top of every page
        2. When the timer reaches 5 minutes you must stop and submit
      2. Copy and Paste a typed response
        1. Use Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge web browsers
        2. Use Google Docs or Microsoft Word (or something similar)
      3. Attach a typed response
        1. Use Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge web browsers
        2. Use Google Docs or Microsoft Word (or something similar)
        3. Save using .doc .docx .pdf .txt or .odt formats
      4. Attach one or more photos of a handwritten response
        1. Use dark pen or pencil
        2. One page per photo (multiple pages means multiple photos)
        3. Save using .png .jpg or .jpeg formats
    5. Five Steps to Take Before Exam Day
      1. Review your Contact Information
        1. Confirm your Email Address with College Board Here
      2. Choose Your Tech: 
        1. Choose Your Device
        2. Prepare Your Documents for Typing
          1. Decide which format you want to write your test in
          2. Remember you will need to download if you use something like Google Docs in the right format
          3. Write your AP ID and Initials in the Header on your document ahead of time
        3. Prepare Your Documents for Handwriting
          1. Use whit paper (lined or unlined)
          2. Use standard size (8.5 x 11)
          3. Use #2 pencil or pen with black or blue ink
          4. You cannot use more than 5 pages
          5. Write your AP ID and Initials at the top of each page and number pages 1-5
      3. Use the AP 2020 Exam Demo to Practice the Test Your Tech
        1. Opens May 4
        3. If this doesn't work for you then it will not work on the Test day so check that it works on your device!
      4. What Students Need on Exam Day
        1. Exam e-ticket email
        2. Completed Exam Day Checklist (including AP ID)
        3. Device: Laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.
        4. Browser: Chrome (recommended), Firefox, Safari, or Edge
        5. Internet or cellular connection
      5. Look for your Exam Confirmation and E-Ticket Emails
        1. May 4
          1. You'll receive an exam confirmation email on May 4 with your AP ID and a list of exams you're registered for.
          2. You can check which exams you registered for in My AP
        2. Two Days Before Each Exam
          1. You will receive an email with your e-ticket and AP ID
    6. Complete the AP Exam Day Checklist
    7. Exam Day
      1. 30 Minutes before your local start time
        1. Check-In
          1. Use e-ticket to check in to exam
          2. Complete identity information
          3. Wait for exam to begin automatically
      2. 45 Minutes
        1. Question Appears
          1. Read Question
        2. Develop Response
      3. 5 Minutes
        1. Submit Response
          1. Exam is completed
    8. Your Testing Environment
      1. Do your best to test by yourself in a quiet room
        1. Remove distractions
        2. Enable the DO NOT DISTURB or quiet setting on your device
        3. Let your parents, guardians, siblings, and friends know when you'll be testing so they don't disturb you.
      2. Make sure your device is plugged in
      3. If you have limited bandwidth, ask others on your network to limit their use of the internet during your exam
      4. Have your checklist and any required documents next to you
    9. Be aware that plagiarism detection software WILL BE USED on your assessment
    10. What Could Go Wrong While I'm Testing?
      1. If you accidentally close your browser, your device crashes, or you temporarily lose internet access you can quickly click your exam e-ticket again to return to the exam
        1. Continue the exam and if you feel the disruption hurt your exam you can request approval to take the makeup exam
        2. During the exam don't refresh your browser or hit the back arrow
      2. Don't call
    11. Exam Scores
      1. Exam will still be scored on a 1-5 scale
      2. Scores will be released later - beginning about July 15

I hope this helps!  Make sure you follow all these guidelines to ensure a smooth and easy experience when the AP Exams roll around!

If you need anything or have any questions let me know!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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