Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Break Update

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I’ve been waiting for guidance from the district so that I could formulate an academic plan for the remainder of the year. 

What the district has decided, in short, it to give “Credit” to every student that had a D- or better as of March 13.  If a student had an F on March 13, they will receive “No Credit” and have to go through a “Credit Recovery” program if they want to pass the course and receive “Credit”. 

Bottom line, a vast majority of you have “Credit” no matter what you do for the rest of the semester.  Congratulations!!

However, I plan to continue with the semester’s curriculum so that students have the opportunity to properly complete the course, take a final exam to check for understanding of the material and prepare as well as possible for the AP Exam.

Next week is Spring Break.  From what I understand, I’m not supposed to post any assignments during this time.... so I won’t.  However, I will be posting new review material if anyone is interested.

All the work that was assigned between March 16 and April 10 will be graded and entered in Google Classroom.  If there is work that you didn’t do but would like me to recognize its completion, I will be accepting, scoring and entering them until April 19.  Officially, it won’t change your grade but if you want to see yourself maintain or improve your grade, I’ll be updating on Google Classroom!!

Starting on April 20, I’ll be assigning review work in preparation for the AP Exam and Final Project.  My plan is to assign two or three assignments a week to help get everyone up to speed.  If you complete the work, I’ll be giving your credit.  If you don’t complete the work, I’ll enter a zero.  Again, it won’t affect your grade at all.  It’s just a way to letting students know that I’m paying attention and let parents know if their student is doing any work.

So that’s the plan.  If I find out I’m violating some district rules, I’ll adjust things accordingly.  If you have any questions, email me and we’ll sort it out. 

Thanks for reading!  Stay safe and healthy!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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