Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 30 - Time Period 5 Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen

Welcome and great new remote lesson!  I hope everyone is doing well and continuing to practice for the AP Exam.  Two best things you can do to practice now is analyze documents and write DBQ essays.  Feel free to send me them if you want some feedback.  Let's get right back to another Review!

  1. Review Time Period 5 for the AP Exam
    1. Collect evidence for free response
  2. Practice Questions for Time Period 5
  1. Time Period 5 Review
  2. Practice Questions
  1. Time Period 4 Document Questions due Tomorrow before 11:59PM
  2. Time Period 5 Document Questions due Monday before 11:59PM
  3. APUSH Exam May 15 at 11AM
  4. 4th Research Paper due May 22
    1. ACC DO NOT do this
That's all for the day folks!  Take care of yourselves and continue staying safe out there!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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