Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 30

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we took our Chapter 11 quiz and afterward passed back your outside essays and briefly reviewed the common items that you need to work on in order to improve.  Primarily you all did much better with the basic formatting elements.  I posted in the resources a Chicago style example paper (My Master's Research Paper) for those of you still having trouble and want to have a visual example of how to format everything.

After the quiz and essay review we worked on analyzing documents about Andrew Jackson.  This activity is designed to practice document analysis for when we begin writing DBQs, which will be next unit.  I won't see you all again until Monday, when we will have our Chapter 12 quiz.

Have a happy Halloween all of you who will be celebrating!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 28

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we finished our mock Senate Activity and debated issues of sectionalism.  After we finished our mock Senate Activity we had a short lecture on Andrew Jackson's presidency.  When we return on Thursday we will have our Chapter 11 quiz. 

After the quiz on Thursday we will be taking a look at documents relating to Andrew Jackson's presidency.

I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

So my kind heart has won out and I will be moving the Chapter 11 quiz from tomorrow to Thursday and the Chapter 12 quiz from Thursday to Monday.  This means that the unit exam will be moved as well, most likely to Thursday, November 6.  Make sure you spread the word!

Today in class, because of the shorter Monday schedule, we only had enough time to discuss the warm-up and take the chapter 10 quiz.  Do not neglect the outside essay and vocabulary for this unit ladies and gentlemen.  I am giving you a bit more time to work on them and should have your essays from last unit back to you by Thursday. 

Keep on chugging along ladies and gentlemen.  It will be tough, but all will be well.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we discussed the market revolution for our warm-up.  We then took our chapter 9 quiz.  After we finished reviewing the quiz answers I collected your political cartoon activities and then we began an in class simulation.

For our simulation you were split into three groups, representing 3 regions of the U.S. in the early 19th century.  You will be debating and voting on bills in a mock senate tomorrow in class.  Remember that tomorrow is a rally schedule!

The chapter 10 quiz will be moved to Monday to accomadate our simulation and the rally schedule.

It was great seeing you all today!  I missed you this past Tuesday.  I hope that you are all doing well.

Enjoy homecoming!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 21 & October 23

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I missed you all yesterday (the 21st).  I hope that you were able to complete your political cartoons with the class time available to you.  I will be collecting those on Thursday when next I see you.  We will also briefly talk about the different reform movements of the era. 

Don't forget that tomorrow we have a chapter 9 quiz and then we will be participating in a mock senate activity/simulation in class.  I really enjoy doing experiential activities so come prepared to practice your debate and compromise skills!

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow (23rd). 

Live long and prosper,
Mr. Marchetti

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October 16

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we discussed the idea of republican values/virtues in early 19th century America and how it changed the way the family, society, religion, and economics of the time period.  We also took the Chapter 8 quiz and the completed our Notes on the Presidency of Monroe and the era of good feelings.  We also took a look at a creative activity where you will be choosing a reform movement from the early 19th century and creating a "pamphlet" advertisement for your movement.  You will get time to work on this activity next week when I am away at my training.

Couple of reminders for next week ladies and gentlemen (it is homecoming week and so we are on a rally schedule):

Monday next week will be a Friday schedule (and Friday will be a Monday schedule), also I will be out for yet another training on Tuesday the 21st.  Here are the schedule changes for the upcoming week.

Tuesday October 21 - I will be absent, you will have time to work on the Pamphlet activity.
Thursday October 23 - Chapter 9 quiz & sectionalism discussion/activity.
Friday October 24 - Chapter 10 quiz (recommend you not leave the chapter 10 notes to the night before or you will have a lot of work to do Thursday night!)

I hate that I must miss you on Tuesday, I would always rather be in class with you all ladies and gentlemen.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 14

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we took our Chapter 7 quiz.  We then discussed the beginning of Unit 4, and began our 4th lecture on the presidencies of Jefferson and Madison.  Tomorrow (Thursday) we will take another quiz (Chapter 8), finish talking about Jefferson & Madison, and then begin an activity looking at the social movements of the early 19th century.

This unit is a tough one!  Keep on moving ladies and gentlemen, all will be well!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class you turned in your Unit Packet (including the vocabulary) and your outside unit 3 essay.  You also wrote your in class essay for your unit 3 test!  Whew!  Lots going on here lately.

Don't forget that tomorrow is your Chapter 7 Quiz, and if you did not pick up a unit 4 assignment sheet in class today, make sure to check it out on the class resource page.  Unit 4 is pretty heavy duty so we got lots of work to do!

Hope you all feel good about your essays.  Have a great day!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Unit 4 and stuff

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Just wanted to remind you all that the unit 3 test is on Monday (tomorrow).  I will be collecting your unit pack, unit vocabulary, and unit 3 essay before we begin the exam. 

Also I uploaded the unit 4 assignment sheet on the class drive page.  I suggest checking it out as this is a pretty hefty unit and you want to make sure you are prepared!  Don't forget that we have our Chapter 7 quiz on Tuesday as well.

I hope that you are all having a good weekend!  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 7

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hope that all of you are doing well this evening.  Last time we met we investigated the United States Constitution and your group should have discussed the differences between the US government under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.

When we meet tomorrow we will begin by discussing these differences.  After that we will talk about the first years of the United States under the Constitution and the establishment of political parties.  I will also be giving you the potential Unit 3 essay prompts.

Don't forget that our Unit 3 Essay Test will be on Monday, and also the Unit 3 vocabulary and outside essay are due that day as well.

Hope you are all doing well!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class I returned your unit 2 essays and we discussed some of the areas of growth moving forward with your essays that are due for unit 3.  I have shared today's PPT on the class drive page so you can review if you like.  If you have any questions specific to your essay please feel free to come and talk with me during tutorial. 

Tomorrow we will be completing the Articles of Confederation & Constitution group activity.  Make sure you come ready to work!

It was nice seeing you all today after the long break!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

PS - The Unit 3 Test (and all the work that is due that day) is moved to Monday, October 13.