Monday, February 27, 2017

AP Test Sign Ups

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

A friendly reminder about AP Test Sign Ups.  Please review the information below and understand that we will be signing up for tests IN CLASS on March 6.  So bring your money on that day!  Preferably in the form of a check.  Go to the bank to see if you are on the list for $5 AP Tests.  I expect all of you that are in this class to take the test unless you have a very good reason not to.  You are doing the work you should challenge yourself with the test!  Take care everyone!  See you Friday!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

February 27

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome back!  It is so wonderful to see you all today!  I hope that you guys are well rested and were able to enjoy your break!  Today we are starting of quick with a quiz!  Oh man!  We will also, time permitting, talk a bit about the DBQ and the AP Test, which is just around the corner!  Crazy!  I am so excited to be going on this APUSH journey with all of you.  Have fun!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. View a documentary in order to understand the context of the Cold War
  1. Warm-Up
  2. Chapter 26 Quiz
  3. Review
    1. DBQ Writing
    2. The AP Test
  1. Chapter 27 Quiz on Friday
  2. SAT on Wednesday
    1. We will not see each other
    2. Good luck!
  3. Cold War Timeline
    1. Directions below in screenshots from PPT
    2. Due Friday by 11:59 pm
    3. You will get some work time in class on Friday but you will need to do much of this on your own since we will not be in class together on Wednesday 
    4. Timeline Template 
  4. Outside Reading Project due March 27 (4 weeks away)
  5. Tutorial Review on Friday (Sign up below)
    1. Time Period 1 & 2 Tutorial Review Sign Up Sheet
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope that you did well on the quiz and are ready to go for the week!  Remember to sign up for the Tutorial Review on Friday if you are interested.  Also remember that I will not see you until Friday because of the SAT on Wednesday.  Good Luck!  I can't wait to see you all on Friday!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-27-2017 PPT

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Tutorial Review Sign Up

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

For those of you that are interested in attending the Friday tutorial review please sign up on the digital sign up sheet below.  If you sign up, please make sure you attend!  If you cannot attend please remove yourself from the sign up sheet ahead of time so that someone else that is interested can sign up.  This is done for your benefit so make sure that you come ready to pay attention and learn.  You will not be allowed to work on other assignments or go on computers/phones during the review sessions.  I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, February 20, 2017

APUSH Survey

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Hope that you are enjoying the week off!  Please do me a favor and take the survey below telling me a little about your APUSH experience.  We will use this data for AP Info night and share it with the parents.  I look forward to seeing you all again soon!

Thank you!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be finishing the Atomic Cafe documentary and then taking the Chapter 25 Quiz!  Oh yea and then we have the next week off!  Woohoo!  I hope you are enjoying this documentary as much as I am.  It is wonderful to spend our last day of break with you all!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. View a documentary in order to understand the context of the Cold War
  1. Quick talk: Nuclear Destruction
  2. Chapter 25 Quiz
  3. Finish: Atomic Cafe
  1. Chapter 26 Quiz Monday after the Break
  2. Enjoy the Break!
  3. Outside Reading Project due by March 27 
  4. Just a heads up
    1. Starting the Friday we return from break (March 3) The APUSH teachers will be giving a Review Lecture once a week during Tutorial
    2. The First Review Lecture will cover Time periods 1 & 2 (1491-1754)
    3. A digital sign up sheet will be posted the week that we return so if you are interested keep an eye out - and spread the word (this is open to all APUSH students here at Leland)
    4. Will take place in K4 AND K5
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope that you enjoyed the video!  I hope that you all have a wonderful week off!  I am very much looking forward to seeing all of you beautiful people again after our time off.  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-17-2017 PPT

The Atomic Cafe from koba on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Pro Tip

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Just a heads up that you might want to bring your notes from Chapter 22 for the quiz tomorrow.  Just might help you out...

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 15

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be introducing and discussing Unit 8.  This is another great unit with a variety of major events that you should know about and be familiar with.  Primarily this is the Cold War, but the Cold War encompasses so many events that impacted our modern country.  There were also several pivotal shifts and changes in U.S. society in this period.  After we preview the unit we will be watching a documentary on the emerging atomic age!  It's gonna be so much fun!  I'm so excited!!!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. View a documentary in order to understand the context of the Cold War
  1. Warm-Up #1
  2. Introduce Unit 8
  3. Start: The Atomic Cafe
  1. Chapter 25 Quiz on Friday 
  2. Outside Reading Project due by March 27
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  We will be finishing the documentary on Friday and we also have our Chapter 25 quiz to think about!  I'm looking forward to it and I know you are too!  I will miss you all ladies and gentlemen!  Take care and see you on Friday 😀

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-15-2017 PPT

The Atomic Cafe from koba on Vimeo.

Monday, February 13, 2017

AP Sign Up Update

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Please see the AP Sign Up updates from the admin below:

AP Test Sign Ups
AP Testing Sign-ups will begin on March 6th and continue through March 24thStudents will sign up and pay in their AP class with their AP Teacher. The price per test is $90.  A Student may be eligible to pay $5 per AP test IF the family submitted the Free and Reduced Price Meal Application by September 23, 2016 or anytime in 2015. The student's name must be marked on the teacher's AP Test $5 fee list to receive this reduced fee. (You only need to submit the Free and Reduced Price Meal Application once). 

Students may pay for all tests with one check made payable to Leland High School. Payment may also be made with cash.  Students must sign up for AP Chinese separately.

Students must have a current student ID card to sign up for AP Tests. 

If a student is unable to sign up for the test in their AP class, they may go to the bank before or after school or during brunch or lunch to sign up and pay for their AP Test.

All AP sign ups and paying for tests will be made in person.  No sign ups will be taken over the phone or by email.
Deadline for signing up for AP Tests at Leland, which includes payment at the time of sign ups, is Friday, March 24th. 

February 13 - Writing Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will continue our Monday tradition of practicing our writing skills and reviewing content.  Today's Writing Activity will have you review some content from U.S. expansionism and work on making connections in writing.  Remember that an important aspect of writing on the AP Exam is the ability to make connections and linkages between historical events and themes.  I love it!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Review content through a linkage writing task that practices historical thinking skills
  1. Writing/Content Review Activity #4
    1. Define FOUR historical terms
    2. Write a Linkage paragraph
    3. Share with a partner
    4. Share with class
  2. Turn-in Writing Activity
  1. Chapter 25 Quiz Friday
  2. Outside Reading Project due March 27
  3. Also if you are interested check out this AP Score Calculator
    1. AP Score Calculator 
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope that you enjoyed our practice and review!  It is always lovely to see you all!  I can't wait to see you again on Wednesday!  Take care and have a great evening!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-13-2017 PPT

Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will wrap up Unit 7 and take our Unit 7 DBQ Exam!  I hope that you have prepared yourselves for this exam by reviewing the rubric and Unit 7 materials.  Remember that you cannot use your notes on this exam!  I have faith that you will all do very well on this test!  I believe in you all!  Wonderful to see you beautiful people!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Write a timed essay response to a DBQ prompt concerning Period 7
  1. Finish: WWII
  2. Unit 7 Test; DBQ
  1. Access Unit 8 Assignment Sheet
    1. Chapter 25 Quiz Friday (Feb 17)
  2. Submit Unit 7 Theme Essay to
  3. Outside Reading project due March 27 (6 weeks)
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope that you all feel confident in your performance on the DBQ!  I look forward to reading them!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-10-2017 PPT

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 8

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be finishing our New Deal projects and doing a gallery walk, we will be taking our Chapter 24 Quiz (last one for this unit), and we will briefly discuss World War II.  So we have a ton of stuff to do and not a lot of time to do it!  Let's get this done!  Unfortunately we don't have a ton of time to talk about World War II, so if you want to know more let me know and maybe I will give a special tutorial lecture.  Always wonderful to see you all!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Find New Deal programs that relate to the 3 major themes (relief, recovery, and reform) through a Gallery Walk
  2. Create an illustrative design that depicts a major issue, theme, or event from WWII
  1. Chapter 24 Quiz
  2. Gallery Walk: The New Deal Reforms
    1. Short time to finish then present!
  3. Quick Discuss: WWII
  4. Activity: Illustrative Design
  1. Unit 7 DBQ Exam on Friday
  2. Unit 7 Packet due Friday
  3. Unit 7 Theme Essay due Friday
  4. Outside Reading project due March 28 (6 Weeks)
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I had so much fun with you all!  I already can't wait to see you again on Friday!  Have a wonderful day!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-8-2017 PPT

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6 - Writing Monday

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be working on our third Writing Activity.  This one will have you practice analyzing some documents as well as incorporating them into a two-chunk paragraph.  Remember that this Friday you have a DBQ Exam so incorporating these skills into your writing should be your top priority.  It is great to see you all of course today!  I hope you all had a great weekend!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Write a 2-chunk paragraph in response to an DBQ prompt with the assistance of a pre-designed thesis statement while also analyzing and incorporating documents
  1. Writing/Content Review Activity #3
    1. Write a 2-Chunk Paragraph
    2. Share with Partner
    3. Discuss with class
  2. Turn in Writing Activity
  1. Chapter 24 Quiz on Wednesday
  2. Unit 7 DBQ Exam on Friday
  3. Unit 7 Packet due Friday
  4. Unit 7 Theme Essay due Friday
  5. Outside Reading project due March 27
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I can't wait to see you all again on Wednesday!  Have a wonderful day!  I will miss you all!  I love this stuff!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-6-2017 PPT

Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be discussing the Great Depression and FDR's response, commonly known as the New Deal.  This is an extremely important topic to understand how our country and government work in the world today.  Many of our current government programs were created in the New Deal era.  After our discussion you will be working in small groups to research a New Deal program and create a presentation to illustrate it to your peers.  I can't wait to talk about this stuff with all of you wonderful people!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Discuss, research, and present the policies of the New Deal
  1. Warm-Up #7
  2. Discussion: The Great Depression and New Deal
  3. Activity: New Deal Presentations
    1. Create
    2. Present
  4. Closure #6
  1. Chapter 24 Quiz on Wednesday
  2. Unit 7 Exam Friday
  3. Outside Reading project due March 27
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope that you are all doing well!  Have a wonderful weekend!  I miss you already!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-3-17 PPT

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Student Climate Survey

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
Please take this climate survey either Today or tomorrow.  Please follow the link and answer all questions honestly.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

February 1

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be finishing viewing the Crash of 1929 video and discussing the causes and consequences of the Stock Market Crash of 1929.  This is of course one of the most important events of the 20th century and well worth understanding what happened to better understand the events leading up to World War II and even into modern day.  After the video we have our Chapter 23 Quiz.  As always it is wonderful to see you all and I hope you are having a wonderful day!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Describe the stock market crash of 1929 and evaluate the causes of the Great Depression
  1. Finish Video Discussion: Crash of 1929
  2. Chapter 23 Quiz
  1. Chapter 24 Quiz moved to Wednesday
  2. Unit 7 Exam Friday
  3. Outside Reading Project due March 27
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope that you are having a great day and hope that you are enjoying our history together!  Have a wonderful evening!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

2-1-17 PPT