Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3-6 - Finals Week!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and wonderful to see all you beautiful people!  This is it!  The last week of school for the 2018-2019 school year!  We do not have any final exams this week!  Those of you that signed up to present for extra credit will do so either on Monday or the day of the final.  Other than that, we are just relaxing and enjoying our company until we leave for a well deserved summer.  You are also on the precipice of being seniors!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Enjoy History
  1. Extra Credit Presentations
    1. 2nd Period Extra Credit Presentation Sign Up Sheet
    2. 4th Period Extra Credit Presentation Sign Up Sheet
    That's all for the year folks!  It has been an honor and a privilege to teach you all this year.  I hope that you have enjoyed our time together and feel strong in your knowledge and understanding of U.S. History.  I wish you all the best and hope that you all have a fantastic summer!  Take care!

    Live long and prosper,

    Mr. Marchetti

    6-3-6-2019 PPT