Monday, May 30, 2016

May 31 - June 2

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we have our Final Project presentations for those who signed up for extra credit.  Afterward we will relax and celebrate the end of APUSH for the year!  Its been a wild ride and I have enjoyed being your teacher.  I hope you all have a wonderful summer!  For the last time...below you will find our agenda, homework (lol) and resources for the day.

  1. End of Year Project Presentations
  1. Enjoy your summer!
That's all ladies and gentlemen.  I hope you enjoyed the year and have a better understanding of history.  It has been a pleasure teaching you all this year.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class is another work day on your End of the Year Projects.  Remember these are due on Friday May 27, NO EXCEPTIONS!  Remember that you need to return your textbooks to the depository as well, get this done before Finals and save yourselves some grief!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  1. Work Time - End of Year Project
    1. If you signed up to present your project, let me know if you would be willing to present on Friday to ensure that everyone gets a chance to do their presentation.  Otherwise we may run out of time on the day of Finals and you may not have time to present!
  1. End of Year Project due Friday May 27 - 11:59 pm
  2. Return textbooks to depository before Finals
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  Hope you are making solid progress on your projects, they are coming due soon!  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, May 20, 2016

May 20

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class is another work day on your End of the Year Projects.  Remember these are due on Friday May 27, NO EXCEPTIONS!  Remember that you need to return your textbooks to the depository as well, get this done before Finals and save yourselves some grief!  Also make sure to let me know if you are going to present your presentation for extra credit during Finals.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  1. Work Time - End of Year Project
    1. Let me know by TODAY if you are planning on doing the extra credit presentation on the day of Finals
      1. 10 points - presentation is somewhat clear and put together.  Takes about 5-10 minutes to present.  Lacks nuance, stage presence, and interesting information.
      2. 20 points - presentation is very clear and effective at conveying information, also entertaining.  Student(s) are well prepared, can answer questions, and created a product that fully demonstrates their knowledge.  Project is high quality and meets most of the rubric categories
      3. 30 points - student(s) exceeds the 20 point category in ever way and the project is high quality and meets all or all but one of the highest rubric categories.
  1. End of Year Project due Friday May 27 - 11:59 pm
  2. Return textbooks to depository before Finals
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  Hope you are making solid progress on your projects, they are coming due soon!  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May 18

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class is another work day on your End of the Year Projects.  Remember these are due on Friday May 27, NO EXCEPTIONS!  Remember that you need to return your textbooks to the depository as well, get this done before Finals and save yourselves some grief!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Work Time - End of Year Project
    1. Let me know by Friday if you are planning on doing the extra credit presentation on the day of Finals
      1. 10 points - presentation is somewhat clear and put together.  Takes about 5-10 minutes to present.  Lacks nuance, stage presence, and interesting information.
      2. 20 points - presentation is very clear and effective at conveying information, also entertaining.  Student(s) are well prepared, can answer questions, and created a product that fully demonstrates their knowledge.  Project is high quality and meets most of the rubric categories
      3. 30 points - student(s) exceeds the 20 point category in ever way and the project is high quality and meets all or all but one of the highest rubric categories.
  1. End of Year Project due Friday May 27 - 11:59 pm
  2. Return textbooks to depository before Finals
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  Hope you are making solid progress on your projects, they are coming due soon!  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

5-18-2016 PPT

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

If you are interested in Board Games

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Just wanted to share this Youtube show that I enjoy.  I know I have shown it to some of you, but if you are interested in board games it is worth checking out to see if there is anything that you like.

The show is called Tabletop and is hosted by Wil Wheaton (of Star Trek and general nerdom fame).  Each episode he plays a different game with some of his celebrity friends and/or family.  CHeck it out if you are curious!

Some of my favorite games that are on Tabletop include:
  • Smallworld
  • Munchkin
  • Pandemic
  • Lords of Waterdeep
  • Shadows Over Camelot
  • Betrayal at House on the Hill (My All Time Favorite!)
  • Ticket to Ride (Europe)
  • Forbidden Desert
  • Dead of Winter
  • Five Tribes
  • Libertalia
  • Mice and Mystics
If you get a chance to watch and/or try any of these games let me know!  They are so fun :)

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Here is a sample of one of my favorite episodes (and favorite games) Dead of Winter.

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

So unfortunately today the District internet went down and most of you probably were not able to get much work done in class.  Hopefully you were able to be productive in some other way.  On Wednesday you will have another dedicated work day so make sure you come ready to get some stuff done!  On another note make sure that you return your textbooks as soon as possible to the depository to avoid any fines or late fees! 

  1. End of Year project due Friday May 27
  2. Return textbooks to the depository before Finals!
That's all ladies and gentlemen, hope everyone is doing well and was able to be productive today.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, May 13, 2016

May 13

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today we will have time to start working on your End of Year projects!  You will have all period to work and we also might watch a movie as well.  You never know!  Our plans for the end of the semester will basically provide plenty of class time to work on your projects but also some movies and documentaries to hit on some fun stuff as we wrap up the year!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  1. End of Year Project Work time
  2. Movie?
  1. End of Year Project due May 27
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  If there is a topic (anything!) that you are interested in learning more about before we leave each other for the summer, let me know!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

5-13-2016 PPT

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 11

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today we will have time to start working on your End of Year projects!  You will have all period to work and we also might watch a movie as well.  You never know!  Our plans for the end of the semester will basically provide plenty of class time to work on your projects but also some movies and documentaries to hit on some fun stuff as we wrap up the year!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. End of Year Project Work time
  2. Movie?
  1. End of Year Project due May 27
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  If there is a topic (anything!) that you are interested in learning more about before we leave each other for the summer, let me know!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

5-11-2016 PPT

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

We have passed the AP Exam!  Woohoo!  Today we will be introducing the End of Year Project and you will begin working on it.  This project has a lot of opportunities for creativity and collaboration so I look forward to what you all produce!  This project is due on Friday May 27.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Collect Timeline Graphic Organizer
  2. Debrief the AP Exam
  3. Introduce the End of Year Project
  1. End of Year Project due May 27!
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  We will be watching a movie on Wednesday and you will have time to work on your project!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

5-9-2016 PPT

Friday, May 6, 2016

May 6 - APUSH Exam!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today is the APUSH Exam!  Good luck everyone!  I am so proud of all of you for making it this far.  I believe in you!  Have a great weekend everyone!  I hope that you are all able to relax now that we have finally passed the exam.  We will be starting our End of the Year project on Monday.

End of Year Project Directions

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class you will have time to complete the gallery walk scavenger hunt with your review timelines.  If/when you finish completing your graphic organizer you will have time to review for the AP Exam...which is FRIDAY!  Crazy right?  I'm proud of all the work you have done this semester, but its not done yet.  Put the work in to prepare yourself for the grueling hours that are the APUSH Exam!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Timeline Scavenger Hunt
    1. Curriculum Framework Graphic Organizer 
  2. Review Time
      1. 2016 Review Packet
      2. LARGE Review Packet
        1. Lots of Information and activities
      3. Kerwin's Review Book!
        1. This is a great source to review connections between historical events and concepts!
      4. US Constitution
      5. Supreme Court Cases to Review
        1. Marshall Court Cases - Good to know!
      6. HUGE Encyclopedia of American Political Thought
      7. Adam Norris Period Review Videos
      8. 540 Things you "probably" already know
      9. 284 Things Every US History Student Should Know
        1. If you feel like you need to define stuff, this list is a good place to start
  1. Study for the AP Exam FRIDAY!
  2. Graphic Organizer due Monday
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  Remember that studying is a very personal activity, you get what you put into it.  Don't cram the night before, pace yourself and chunk the information out so you do not overwhelm your brain.  Get a good night sleep Thursday and eat something light but nutritious Friday morning.  I believe in you all, it is now just a matter of preparing yourself and strengthening your skills before the Final Test.  Good luck you all, I have full faith and confidence in you!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

5-4-2016 PPT

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

The AP Exam is this Friday!  Time to study hard!  Today in class we will be taking a look at your completed review timelines through a gallery walk.  You will be using a graphic organizer to take notes on the timelines.  Remember that studying is very much a personal effort, you get out of it what you put in.  This Graphic Organizer is a great place to begin studying!  Its our last week of truly intense work so stick with it!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Turn in Unit Packets
  2. Review Gallery Walk
  1. Study for APUSH Exam
    1. Study for 30-60 minutes each day (you will be more successful than if you cram the night before!
    2. Establish a method of studying that works for you
      1. We will go over a few strategies on Wednesday but they are pretty straight forward
      2. Flash Cards to test yourself on what you know
      3. Concept Maps!
        1. Look it up if you don't know what this is, very useful way to study
      4. Use the Review Links on the side of the blog ----->
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen.  I hope you spend some time preparing yourself for the AP Test.   I believe in you!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

5-2-2016 PPT