Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be discussing the Second Great Awakening and the resultant reform movements that gripped the United States in the first half of the 19th century.  After our discussion we will be working on researching reform movements and creating a propaganda poster/political cartoon.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources.  Enjoy your break everyone!  Do your best to relax and take your mind off of school!

  1. Finish Missouri Compromise Document Activity
  2. Warm-Up #12
  3. Discuss: Second Great Awakening
  4. Political Cartoon/Propaganda Poster: Early 19th century Reform Movements
    1. Directions
    2. You will be assigned a reform movement from the list below:
      1.  Temperance
      2. Abolition
      3. Women's Rights
      4. Nativist Movements
      5. Education Reform
      6. Mental Health Reform
      7. Utopian Societies
    3. Follow the directions (above) 
      1. Answer the questions on the second page of the document
        1. You must know about your reform movement before you begin to create a poster or political cartoon
        2. Plan your visual creation ahead of time!
        3. Make sure that you are very familiar with the reform movement before you attempt to create a symbolic representation of it!
      2. Choose what kind of visual you are going to create
        1. Propaganda Poster
          1. Create an image that could/would be used to influence people to join the reform movement you are researching
        2. Political Cartoon
          1. Create an image that contains a strong metaphorical message about the reform movement you are researching
    4. You should get as much done on this poster today in class!  It will not be "due" until after the break but you will be leading a discussion regarding your reform movement one of the block days after break.
  1. NONE!
    1. There is no formal homework over the break.  Keep in mind that there are several assignments that should be completed before break begins.  Such as:
      1. Chapter 9 Readings
      2. Missouri Compromise Document Analysis
      3. 19th Century Reform Poster
  2. Have a relaxing and restful break!  Do something you enjoy and take your mind off of school!  I wish for you to use this time to recharge your batteries and give your brain a break!
Take care everyone!  I shall miss you all!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

September 23

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be discussing the Missouri Compromise.  We will first be talking about it and then mapping it and then we will begin our first take on document analysis.  These are some important skills to pay attention to as we will be moving towards writing a DBQ soon.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Chapter 8 Quiz
  2. Warm-Up #11
  3. Missouri Compromise Document Activity
  4. Closure...maybe???
  1. Follow the assignment sheet and continue reading
Make sure you get your assignments completed ladies and gentlemen!  Don't leave anything to the last minute.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we have a fairly easy day ahead of us.  We will be taking a quick look at the Unit 4 Assignment sheet and they completing a Unit overview to preview what is coming up in this unit.  Don't forget to turn in your Unit 3 Outside Theme Essay to tonight!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Warm-Up #10
  2. Preview: Unit 4 Assignment Sheet
  3. Discuss: Unit 4 Topics
  1. Turn in Unit 3 Outside Essay no later than 11:59 pm tonight to!
  2. Read and Study Chapter 8
    1. Chapter 8 Quiz on Wednesday!
That's all for today folks!  I hope that everyone has a great evening and works hard to the break line!  (No school next week!)

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be completing the Louisiana Purchase Activity and then our Unit 3 Exam!  Good luck ladies and gentlemen!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Reading Activity: Louisiana Purchase
    1.  First open the Louisiana Purchase Document
      1. File --> Make a copy
      2. Rename --> "P(2 or 4)_LastNameFirstInitial_Louisiana Purchase Activity"
    2. Read the 1st page (Louisiana Purchase Timeline) and annotate
      1. Think about these questions while taking notes
        1. What was the Louisiana Purchase?
        2. How do you think Americans felt about it?
    3. Read the 2nd Page (Primary Source written by Alexander Hamilton)
      1. Think about these questions as you annotate
        1. What is Hamilton's relationship with Thomas Jefferson?
        2. How might this relationship impact his views regarding decisions by the Jefferson administration?
    4. Read the 3rd and final page (Primary Source letter written by Federalists)
      1. Think about these questions as you annotate
        1. What were the primary concerns of the Federalists over the Louisiana Purchase?
        2. Do you think these concerns were justified?
        3. What do these documents illustrate about the Point of View of Federalists regarding Thomas Jefferson?
    5. Finally write a thesis statement that answers the following prompt:
      1. Assess the validity of this statement: "Federalists opposed the Louisiana Purchase over practical political concerns, not animosity towards President Jefferson and the Democratic Republican Party" 
      2. Provide 3 specific pieces of evidence to support your thesis, along with an explanation of how it supports
        1. "The _[specific historical evidence]_ supports _[your thesis claim]_ because _[analysis_]"
  2. Closure #4
  3. Unit 3 Exam
  1. Check out the Unit 4 Assignment Sheet 
  2. Continue with reading assignments!
    1. Chapter 8 Quiz Wednesday!
  3. Unit 3 Outside Theme Essay due Monday at 11:59 PM! (
Hope you all do well today!  Have a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Unit 4 Assignment Sheet

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Here is the Unit 4 Assignment Sheet!  Make sure to check it out!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

September 17 - 153rd Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Just as a random fact about today, it marks the 153rd Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam fought on September 17, 1862.  The Battle of Antietam is the bloodiest single day in American History.  This is partially because both sides who fought in the battle were considered American (Civil War --> North Vs. South).  Below are some interesting facts about the Battle of Antietam to mark this day.

Battle of Antietam Facts:
  1. Relative Strengths of the Two Armies
    1. Union Army of the Potomac - 75,000
    2. Confederate Army of Northern Virginia - 38,000
  2. Casualties in a single day
    1. Union - 12,401
      1. 2,108 killed
      2. 9,540 wounded
      3. 753 captured/missing
    2. Confederate - 10,316
      1. 1,546 killed
      2. 7,752 wounded
      3. 1,018 captured/missing
  3. Compared to Other American Battles (Killed in Battle)
    1. Battle of Meuse-Argonne (World War I) - 26,277 in 47 days
    2. Battle of the Bulge (World War II) - 19,276 in 41 days
    3. Battle of Okinawa (World War II) - 12,513 in 82 days
    4. Battle of Gettysburg (Civil War) - 7,863 in 3 days
    5. Battle of Guadalcanal (World War II) - 7,099 in 186 days
    6. Battle of Iwo Jima (World War II) - 6,821 in 35 days
    7. Battle of Antietam (Civil War) - 3,624 in ONE Day
  4. Tactical Draw (Battle was a Tie) but strategic victory for the Union (North)
    1. Allowed President Lincoln to issue Emancipation Proclamation
  5. Battle of Antietam produced more American casualties than the American Revolution, War of 1812, and Mexican War combined!
Hope you found this interesting!  Today is also Constitution Day! Fitting don't you think?  We have been talking about the Constitution for the past couple of weeks!

Also just a little piece of Military History for those of you interested.  Here is a chart illustrating the size of the U.S. military over history

Live long and prosper ladies and gentlemen!

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Content Focus

I would like you all to focus your studies for the unit test in this way:

  1. Can you formulate a complex thesis statement? If not, hopefully you have been in for tutorial or practice thesis writing with U.S. History prompts.
  2. Do you know how the Constitution formulated the powers of the Federal government?
  3. In what ways did the first presidents shape the policies of the Federal government?
  4. What is the context of the time frame 1789 to 1809? 
That's about all (Don't forget your Unit Pack on Friday!)

 Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

September 16

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

It is wonderful to see you all today!  I hope you are ready for some exhilarating discussion about our first presidents!  Huzzah!  After that we will be doing some primary source reading and talking about the Louisiana Purchase.  I'm genuinely excited everybody!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Warm-Up #9
  2. Discuss: America's first decades
  3. Reading Activity: Louisiana Purchase
    1.  First open the Louisiana Purchase Document
      1. File --> Make a copy
      2. Rename --> "P(2 or 4)_LastNameFirstInitial_Louisiana Purchase Activity"
    2. Read the 1st page (Louisiana Purchase Timeline) and annotate
      1. Think about these questions while taking notes
        1. What was the Louisiana Purchase?
        2. How do you think Americans felt about it?
    3. Read the 2nd Page (Primary Source written by Alexander Hamilton)
      1. Think about these questions as you annotate
        1. What is Hamilton's relationship with Thomas Jefferson?
        2. How might this relationship impact his views regarding decisions by the Jefferson administration?
    4. Read the 3rd and final page (Primary Source letter written by Federalists)
      1. Think about these questions as you annotate
        1. What were the primary concerns of the Federalists over the Louisiana Purchase?
        2. Do you think these concerns were justified?
        3. What do these documents illustrate about the Point of View of Federalists regarding Thomas Jefferson?
    5. Finally write a thesis statement that answers the following prompt:
      1. Assess the validity of this statement: "Federalists opposed the Louisiana Purchase over practical political concerns, not animosity towards President Jefferson and the Democratic Republican Party" 
      2. Provide 3 specific pieces of evidence to support your thesis, along with an explanation of how it supports
        1. "The _[specific historical evidence]_ supports _[your thesis claim]_ because _[analysis_]"
  4. Closure #4
  1. Study for Unit 3 Exam
    1. Remember to practice writing a thesis and outlining an essay!
  2. Assemble the Unit 3 Packet
    1. Do not forget to submit the Louisiana Purchase document to Google Classroom
  3. Also there are readings for Unit 4 that are not required for Unit 3 to check out when the assignment sheet is posted.
That's it for today everyone.  Hope you enjoy!  I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, September 14, 2015

Reduced Price AP Tests - FOR ALL!

September 14

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be taking our Chapter 7 Quiz and Reviewing our answers.  With a Monday schedule we won't be getting through much else!  Below you will find our Agenda, Homework, and Resources for the day.

  1. Chapter 7 Quiz
  2. Closure
  1. Continue reading and keeping up with the assignment sheet!
  2. Study/Prepare for the Unit 3 Exam Friday!
That's all for today ladies and gentlemen!  I hope you had a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 11

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be taking our Chapter 6 Quiz and then we will be reviewing the Unit 2 Exam and also the Unit 2 Outside Essays.  There are a lot of important concepts that we are covering today so make sure you pay attention and use the information on your upcoming test and essays!  below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Chapter 6 Reading Quiz
  2. Warm-Up #8
  3. Discuss Unit 2 Test
  4. Discuss Unit 2 Outside Essay
    1. Outside Essay Resources
  1. Finish Reading Chapter 7
  2. Study for Chapter 7 Quiz
Today is the last day to let me know if you are an accelerated student!

Have a great weekend everyone!  Also we are moving our Unit 3 Exam one day back, to Friday of next week!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 9

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today in class we will be partaking in a Pro Se Court activity where we will be debating the merits of the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution.  In this activity you will either take a side and argue it merits or be the judge and make a decision as to which government the United States should adopt.  Below you will find our agenda, resources, and homework for the day.

  1. Warm-Up #7
  2. Strengths and Weakness - Articles of Confederation
    1. Read Articles of Confederation document
    2. Fill out your graphic organizer (strengths and weaknesses)
  3. Pro Se court - Articles of Confederation
    1. Open the Pro Se Court Document
    2. File --> Make a Copy
    3. Rename -->  "P(2 or 4)_LastNameFirstInitial_Pro Se Court"
    4. You will be using this document to take notes during the activity and submit it to Google Classroom when we have finished.
  4. Closure
  1. Finish and submit Pro Se Court Activity and submit to Google Classroom by 11:59 tonight!
  2. Finish Chapter 6 Reading Notes
  3. Study for Chapter 6 Reading Quiz
    1. Study Tip - Focus your study attention on the details AFTER the Revolutionary War has ended
      1. i.e. --> Government under the Articles of Confederation, Constitutional Convention, and ratification
That's it for today ladies and gentlemen.  I look forward, as always, to seeing you all again soon.

Take care ladies and gentlemen,

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, September 4, 2015

September 4

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Today is a Rally day!  In class today we are taking a little AP Pre-Test to diagnose how much you know about U.S. History at this moment.  We will be taking the same test in April to see how far you have come.  This is not a graded assignment, you will receive credit for participating today.  After that we will talk a little bit about the American Revolution.

  1. Diagnotic Quiz
  2. American Revolution Discussion
  1. Finish and Turn in Outside Theme Essay to by 11:59 tonight!
 Have a great three day weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 2

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Sorry for the late update.  Yesterday we took our Chapter 5 Quiz, finished our discussion about the Road to Revolution and did a puzzle activity to review.  Below you will find our agenda, resources, and homework from yesterday. 

  1. Chapter 5 Quiz
  2. Finish Road to Revolution Discussion
  3. Linkage Activity: Road to Revolution Puzzle
  1. Finish and submit your Unit 2 Outside Theme Essay by Friday at 11:59 pm to
On Friday we will be taking a diagnostic test (to see how much you know about U.S. History in general), this is a Scored activity, not graded.  We will also discuss (briefly) the American Revolution.

I hope you are all doing well (and don't wait too long before beginning your Unit Essay!).

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Theme Essay Tools and Resources

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hosted my first of two workshops on how to properly format and write your Outside Theme Essays (which are due Friday!).  Please take a look at the resources below and use them to your advantage in order to be successful on our first outside of class essay!

Tips for a Superior Essay - Start here!  It provides the basic formatting rules that I require you to follow for your essay.

Citation Cheat Sheet - Use this to properly format your citations.  You are required to include at least Five (5) Footnotes and Five (5) Bibliographical citations as a minimum.  Only ONE of your Five (5) citations can be your textbook.

Proper Online Academic Source Databases:
Citation Resources

Remember it must be in Chicago/Turabian citation format
Here is a template/sample that I created during the workshop and you can use as a base to get your formatting started:
  • Outside Essay Template 
    • Intro Paragraph
      • Hook & Thesis
    • 3 Body Paragraphs
      • 2 Chunk Format
    • Conclusion
      • Restate thesis
For your body paragraphs be sure to follow the Two Chunk Format!
  • Topic Sentence
  • Concrete Detail/Specific Evidence
  • Analysis/Explanation
  • Concrete Detail/Specific Evidence
  • Analysis/Explanation
  • Conclusion Sentence 
Don't forget to review the Outside Essay Rubric
One Note about the source/citation section of the rubric
  • To receive 3 points on that portion of the rubric you need a minimum of 5 sources and 10 footnote citations 

For a collection of these resources go to Essay Writing Tools

Remember that these Outside Theme Essays must be turned in to

I look forward to reading your essays ladies and gentlemen!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti