Hello ladies and gentlemen,
So today in class we accomplished a lot of things (hopefully!). We reviewed my expectations, tips, and tricks to reading and taking notes from the textbook. We discussed the AP readings (for AP students only). And then we began our discussion of historiography with an activity designed to have you examine two historiographical perspectives. Below you will find the agenda.
- Recap: "Why Study History?" discussion
- Review: Unit 1 Assignment Sheet
- Warm-Up #1
- Skill Building: Cornell Notes (Here are some Cornell Note Taking Sheets if you would like to use them)
- Remember that Reading Notes must be hand done!
- We will discuss different note taking strategies and remember that your Chapter 1 Reading Notes are due on Monday!
- Read and discuss: Historiography
- For this assignment you will need to make a copy for yourself in order to complete online
- After you have opened the link select File --> Make a Copy
- Retitle your copy "P(your period)_LastNameFirst Initial_Historiography"
- Complete the portion of the assignment that you were assigned (Zinn or Johnson) and come to class ready to share/discuss on Monday
- Closure: #1
The only Homework this weekend is to finish reading Chapter 1 (and complete your Chapter 1 Notes) and study for the
Chapter 1 Quiz on Monday! The Chapter 1 Quiz will consist of 10 Document Based Multiple-Choice Questions, and one short answer. It should take no longer than 20 minutes! I will check your notes on Monday during the Quiz (Yes you DO get to use your notes on the quiz).
I hope that you are all enjoying the course so far. I know its a lot of work but if you stick with it you will do well and all will be OK. I believe it all of you!
Have a wonderful weekend! If you have any questions email me.
Live long and prosper,
Mr. Marchetti