Hello ladies and gentlemen,
As some of you have probably heard by now the College Board (people who make the AP Test) has given some updates on the AP Test based on the shutdown experienced by so many because of the pandemic. Here is a link to the update from College Board and a brief summary of what you need to know:
AP Central College Board Update
Summary of what you need to know:
- College Board is developing resources to help you study/review/learn for the test
- Face to face tests will not happen this year! No regular tests!
- Instead --> you will take a 45 minute free response test AT HOME online
- There will be 2 (TWO) test dates
- April 3
- Pay attention on this date!
- Full Exam schedule
- Specific Free-response question type for each test
- Additional details
- The Test will only cover Units 1-7
So this is great news in some ways but is also a little confusing at the moment because we don't know what kind of questions they will be offering. Therefore at the moment it is difficult to plan practice questions. As soon as they tell us what type of questions to expect I will share that with you, likely on or after April 3.
What happens next?
Well a couple of things. First, we don't know as of yet if we will be doing distance learning and continuing classes. If the shutdown extends beyond what is currently scheduled I think we will have to but as of now do not worry about assignments. We will figure that part out when we know more. Second, I would keep studying (if you desire to) but limit yourself to Units 1-7. I just posted a video lecture for The Rise of the New Conservatives and I plan on doing another one for our last scheduled lecture, the modern era. But these will not directly pertain to the test anymore and therefore are just for you to continue learning about U.S. history. Lastly (for today), I am in the process of creating review PPTs and will record videos for Units 1-7. As soon as I have those ready to go I will share with you all.
I hope that everyone is doing well and adjusting the best you can to the circumstances we find our selves in. I am happy that the test will still be offered and hope that you will take it. I will continue to update you as best I can moving forward.
Live long and prosper,
Mr. Marchetti