Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31 - Lecture #25

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome back to our second distance learning lesson!  I hope that everyone is doing well so far and taking care of themselves.  We are going to do our best to continue learning for the AP exam.  We will be finishing our last lecture today!  As with Lecture #24 please watch, take notes of your own, and answer the lecture questions on a Google Doc and submit by the due date.  I miss everyone and hope that you are spending time taking care of your mental and physical health and staying safe at home!  Let's get to it!

  1. Analyze the events that have shaped modern United States History
  1. Lecture #25
  1. Lecture 25 Questions due Thursday
  2. Cold War Timeline due April 10
  3. Outside Reading Project due April 10
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  4. 4th Annotated Bibliography due April 10
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  5. APUSH Exam TBD
That's all for the day!  Hope we will get a chance to see each other soon but until then take care and have a great rest of your day!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Check Google Classroom Post

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

I have received word today from SJUSD that we will begin remote instruction in the coming days/week(s). I am working on putting together a plan of action and a calendar for the work that we'll be doing. I will be publishing that on this google classroom site in the coming days. I will be recording videos of the day's lessons and then posting them on Classroom for you to view and take action. (still to be determined on that) There are still many questions that I have for the District that they are unable to clarify at this moment but what I do know is that we will be picking up and continuing our APUSH teaching and learning sooner rather than later.

I have already posted some stuff for you to check out and may have a more formal expectation as we figure this out.

What I'd like to ask from each of you is to respond to this post in the comments section that you have received this communication and confirm that you will be checking the site on a daily basis.
Once I have a more structured plan in place I will be communicating with you, and expecting a response, on our normal meeting days/times. Look forward to hearing from you all.

Live long and prosper

Mr. Marchetti

Sunday, March 22, 2020

History movies

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I put together a list of movies based on some part of U.S. history. If they are available on a streaming platform for free I noted that as well. Since we are shut in I thought some of you might enjoy watching some of these. I can add some suggestions and notes on what the movies are about if you are interested. A fun/educational way to spend the time! Some of the movies on this list are my absolute favorite!
Hope you are all doing well!
Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

History Movie list

Saturday, March 21, 2020

AP Test Update

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

As some of you have probably heard by now the College Board (people who make the AP Test) has given some updates on the AP Test based on the shutdown experienced by so many because of the pandemic.  Here is a link to the update from College Board and a brief summary of what you need to know:

AP Central College Board Update

Summary of what you need to know:

  1. College Board is developing resources to help you study/review/learn for the test
  2. Face to face tests will not happen this year!  No regular tests!
    1. Instead --> you will take a 45 minute free response test AT HOME online
    2. There will be 2 (TWO) test dates
  3. April 3
    1. Pay attention on this date!
    2. Full Exam schedule
    3. Specific Free-response question type for each test
    4. Additional details
  4. The Test will only cover Units 1-7
So this is great news in some ways but is also a little confusing at the moment because we don't know what kind of questions they will be offering.  Therefore at the moment it is difficult to plan practice questions.  As soon as they tell us what type of questions to expect I will share that with you, likely on or after April 3.

What happens next?

Well a couple of things.  First, we don't know as of yet if we will be doing distance learning and continuing classes.  If the shutdown extends beyond what is currently scheduled I think we will have to but as of now do not worry about assignments.  We will figure that part out when we know more.  Second, I would keep studying (if you desire to) but limit yourself to Units 1-7.  I just posted a video lecture for The Rise of the New Conservatives and I plan on doing another one for our last scheduled lecture, the modern era.  But these will not directly pertain to the test anymore and therefore are just for you to continue learning about U.S. history.  Lastly (for today), I am in the process of creating review PPTs and will record videos for Units 1-7.  As soon as I have those ready to go I will share with you all.

I hope that everyone is doing well and adjusting the best you can to the circumstances we find our selves in.  I am happy that the test will still be offered and hope that you will take it.  I will continue to update you as best I can moving forward.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Lecture 24 - Rise of New Conservatism

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hope that you are all doing well after our first week of the closure!  I miss you and hope that we will see each other again soon.  I made a video of Lecture #24 for those of you who are interested in keeping up with your learning.  We only have one more lecture so I will try to get that filmed and posted soon.  I am also working on review PPTs that I will share as soon as I have those done.  Also want you to check your AP Classroom, from way back at the beginning of the year.  If you have any problems logging in please let me know.  I will be using that to push practice questions to you all soon.  First day of school blog post has some info about the AP Classroom.  Make sure you can log in before Monday if you can!  Hope you are all well!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Update and Check in

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

How are you holding up on this fourth day of our closure?  I hope that you are all doing well and exercising self care while we are stuck in our homes.  I have not been able to post as much as I would like so far.  I am in the process of creating some lecture videos and practice questions for everyone as those were the two most asked for items from our survey.  I will post things here but I ask that everyone check Google Classroom as I start creating stuff, that way we can interact a little and you can ask questions or make comments.  The other thing that I will be using more (for practice questions) is the AP Classroom that we signed up for at the beginning of the year but have not been using.  That has a ton of practice questions for you all so that will be a great resource.  If you do not remember how to access/use that then let me know and I can post some guidance.  I hope that you are all well.  This is a very difficult time and I think about you all daily.  Take care of yourselves!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Image result for live long and prosper

Monday, March 16, 2020

Revolutionary War Combat (Just for fun)

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Thank you to everyone who has answered my survey so far. I created something just kind of fun to share with you and wanted to hear your thoughts.

Attached is a video of me playing Empire: Total War to illustrate combat in the American Revolution.

This is mostly just for fun but I tried my best to make it historically accurate and informative. If you have any thoughts, questions, or comments please leave a comment on the Google Classroom Post!  Or email me directly!

If you would like more things like this, please let me know!

I hope that you are all doing well! Based on the latest information from the county it is more important than ever that you stay home and stay safe!

Live long and prosper my friends,

Mr. Marchetti

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Closure Survey

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Hope you have had a good weekend!  With no school on the horizon and not sure when or if we will be back into working I put together a quick survey to see how many of you would be interested if I posted voluntary study lessons here and/or on Google Classroom.  Let me know (via the survey below) how interested you are in doing some study/review over the closure.  Please answer honestly!  If not enough of you are interested then I will not spend the time creating material!  I miss you all very much and hope you are staying safe and secure during this closure!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, March 13, 2020

Work Update

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

As I am sure you have all heard by now we are closed for the next three weeks.  There is a slim possibility of the school being reopened earlier but I seriously doubt that will happen.  Per district directives we cannot assign work over this period at this point (this could change and I strongly recommend you check my blog and Google Classroom for updates).  For right now here is what this closure means for upcoming work assignments:

  1. All physical work assignments (quizzes, reading notes, unit packs, tests) are postponed until school resumes.
    1. When I have an updated calendar I will share it so once again CHECK BACK HERE FREQUENTLY!
  2. All currently assigned digital work (Cold War Timeline, Outside Reading Project, and 4th Annotated Bibliography) are being postponed until Friday April 10 (the Friday after school resumes)
    1. I cannot ask or require you to do work over the closure but I hope that you do not leave these things until the last minute
  3. Chapter quizzes for Chapters 29-31 will likely be combined into a larger test that we will take on Thursday April 9
  4. The Unit 8 Packet will likewise be due Thursday April 9
  5. I will be posting videos and study guides over the course of the break
    1. These are not required assignments
    2. These are to support you continuing to learn and strengthen your skills over the course of the closure
    3. If possible we need to continue to prep for the AP exam however we can
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me over the course of the next three weeks.  I cannot guarantee an immediate response but I will get back to you as soon as I can.

This is an unfortunate necessity based on the current state of affairs.  I strongly encourage you to use this time to rest and recharge, also practice your best hygiene to avoid any possible contamination.

I will truly miss all you amazing people and hope that you are able to stay safe over the next three weeks.  Take care.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Image result for spock live long and prosper

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wash your hands

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Received these videos from our health office and felt that I should share.  Washing your hands and general hygiene can be the best way to combat getting sick.  I hope that you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Proper Way to Wash Hands (English)

Proper Way to Wash Hands (Spanish)

Vietnamese Music Video (Produced by the government of Vietnam)
This is awesome

March 12 - Unit 8 Quick HIPP & CH 28 Quiz

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we will be taking our Chapter 28 Quiz and doing our Unit 8 Quick HIPP.  Should be a quick and productive day!  Another week down and I hope that you are all keeping up on the work that is due starting next week!  Let's take care of business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Demonstrate content knowledge about the Vietnam War and 1970s America
  2. Analyze primary source documents using HIPP
  1. Warm-Up #4
  2. CH 28 Quiz
  3. Unit 8 Quick HIPP
  4. The State of the Union is not Good - Viewing Guide
  1. Unit 8 Assignment Sheet
  2. Chapter 29 Quiz on Tuesday
  3. Cold War Timeline due March 17
  4. Outside Reading Project due March 19
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  5. Unit 8 Packet due Thursday
    1. Unit 8 Checklist
  6. 4th Annotated Bibliography due March 23
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  7. APUSH Exam May 8
That's all for the day folks!  Take care and have a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

3-12-2020 PPT

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 10 - Finish Lecture 23 and Socratic Seminar on Vietnam

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you amazing people!  Today in class we will finish the lecture from yesterday and then we will hopefully have plenty of time to do a Socratic Seminar on the Vietnam War.  Should be a fun and enlightening day!  I look forward to hearing all your thoughts on the war and its impact on America!  Let'd do this!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Analyze and discuss the impact of the Vietnam war on American society at the end of the 1960s and through the 1970s
  2. Discuss and debate the reasons for U.S. involvement in Vietnam
  1. Lecture #23 - 1970s Decade of Retreat
  2. Socratic Seminar on Vietnam
    1. Socratic Seminar Worksheet
    2. Causes of Vietnam War Reading #1
    3. Causes of Vietnam War Reading #2
  1. Unit 8 Assignment Sheet
  2. Chapter 28 Quiz on Thursday
  3. Cold War Timeline due March 17
  4. Outside Reading Project due March 19
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  5. 4th Annotated Bibliography due March 23
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  6. APUSH Exam May 8
That's all for today folks!  I hope that you enjoyed debating with each other and evaluating why the U.S. fought in Vietnam.  Take care and have a great rest of your day!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9 - Lecture 23

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class we are going to dive right into our next lecture (which is a beast!)  this will cover some of the most tumultuous times in modern U.S. history and so we need to give ourselves time to digest and learn.  I hope that everyone is trucking along ok and getting done with all the assignments that are piled on you right now!  Let's get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Analyze and discuss the impact of the Vietnam war on American society at the end of the 1960s and through the 1970s
  1. Lecture #23 - 1970s Decade of Retreat
  1. Unit 8 Assignment Sheet
  2. Chapter 28 Quiz on Thursday
  3. Cold War Timeline due March 17
  4. Outside Reading Project due March 19
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  5. 4th Annotated Bibliography due March 23
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  6. APUSH Exam May 8
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that everyone's doing well and pacing yourself to the finish!  Take care and have a great rest of your day!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

3-9-2020 PPT

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 5 - Lecture 22 and CH 27 Quiz

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you fantastic people!  Today in class we have a dense lecture on the Civil Rights Movement and then a quiz covering the same material so it is a pretty heavy day!  Don't forget to stay on top of all your outside assignments as those will pile up if you don't tackle them a little bit at a time.  Let's get down to business!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day!

  1. Analyze the progress and significance of the Civil Rights Movement and demonstrate content knowledge through AP practice questions
  1. Lecture #22
  2. Chapter 27 Quiz
  1. Unit 8 Assignment Sheet
  2. Chapter 28 Quiz on Thursday
  3. Cold War Timeline due March 17
  4. Outside Reading Project due March 19
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  5. 4th Annotated Bibliography due March 23
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  6. APUSH Exam May 8
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that this week has not been too stressful for you all with course selections and the SAT.  Take care and have a great weekend!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

3-5-2020 PPT

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 3 - Course Selection and Cold War Timeline

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you beautiful people!  Today in class you will be taking some time to select your courses for next year!  i always found this fun and exciting and hope that you are ready to choose what your senior year will look like!  If you are interested in TAing for me (some have asked) make sure you email me to express your interest!  Afterwards you will have time to work on your Cold War Timelines!  Should be a mostly relaxed day!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Create a Timeline to illustrate the source and significance of the Cold War
  1. Course Selection
  2. Warren Court Resource Website
    1. Warren Court Worksheet
  3. Cold War Timeline
    1. Work time
  1. Unit 8 Assignment Sheet
  2. Chapter 27 Quiz on Thursday
  3. Cold War Timeline due March 17
  4. Outside Reading Project due March 19
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  5. 4th Annotated Bibliography due March 23
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  6. APUSH Exam May 8
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that everyone feels good about their course selections and their work on their Cold War Timelines!  Take care and have a great rest of your day!  Good luck on the SAT tomorrow!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

3-3-2020 PPT

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2 - Writing Activity #5

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to see all you amazing people!  Today in class we will be practicing writing a body paragraph that will integrate document evidence and HIPP analysis like we were writing a DBQ.  Remember that at the end of the unit we have a DBQ assessment and that you will have to do this on a time crunch!  Should be an interesting day!  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Write a paragraph that integrates a primary source document into the text and includes effective analysis
  1. Writing/Content Review #5
    1. 2-Chunk Paragraph with documents
    2. Share
    3. Turn in before you leave
  1. Unit 8 Assignment Sheet
  2. Chapter 27 Quiz on Thursday
  3. Cold War Timeline due March 17
  4. Outside Reading Project due March 19
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  5. 4th Annotated Bibliography due March 23
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  6. APUSH Exam May 8
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you are doing well and ready for another invigorating week!  Don't forget that the Counselors will be here tomorrow to cover course selections with you all!  Take care and have a great rest of your day!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

3-2-2020 PPT