Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 30 - Time Period 5 Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen

Welcome and great new remote lesson!  I hope everyone is doing well and continuing to practice for the AP Exam.  Two best things you can do to practice now is analyze documents and write DBQ essays.  Feel free to send me them if you want some feedback.  Let's get right back to another Review!

  1. Review Time Period 5 for the AP Exam
    1. Collect evidence for free response
  2. Practice Questions for Time Period 5
  1. Time Period 5 Review
  2. Practice Questions
  1. Time Period 4 Document Questions due Tomorrow before 11:59PM
  2. Time Period 5 Document Questions due Monday before 11:59PM
  3. APUSH Exam May 15 at 11AM
  4. 4th Research Paper due May 22
    1. ACC DO NOT do this
That's all for the day folks!  Take care of yourselves and continue staying safe out there!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

AP Exam Update - IMPORTANT!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

College Board just released some important information about making sure that you are ready to take the AP Exams that are upcoming.  This is mostly related to making sure that your account is up to date and that your technology systems are ready to go on the day of the test.  It is crucial that you follow these steps to ensure that you have a smooth experience when you take the AP Exams starting May 11!  If you have any trouble let me know and I will do my best to help you!

  1. 2020 AP Testing Guide - This will walk you through the various steps to ensure that you know how the AP Exam will be administered 
    1. Info about the AP Exam E-Ticket
      1. You will get an email with your E-Ticket for EACH Exam you are taking!
      2. Make sure that your email registered with College Board is correct!
        1. Confirm your Email Address with College Board Here
    2. Check the Exam schedule to make sure you now when to log in
      1. Make sure you verify the correct time!
      2. We are on the Pacific Time Schedule
    3. Information about the June Make Up (Don't plan on doing this!  This is for people who have technical difficulties and/or other circumstances that prevent them from taking the exam in June)
    4. Various options for how to submit your exam
      1. For all responses
        1. Type/Write your AP ID and Initials at the top of every page
        2. When the timer reaches 5 minutes you must stop and submit
      2. Copy and Paste a typed response
        1. Use Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge web browsers
        2. Use Google Docs or Microsoft Word (or something similar)
      3. Attach a typed response
        1. Use Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Edge web browsers
        2. Use Google Docs or Microsoft Word (or something similar)
        3. Save using .doc .docx .pdf .txt or .odt formats
      4. Attach one or more photos of a handwritten response
        1. Use dark pen or pencil
        2. One page per photo (multiple pages means multiple photos)
        3. Save using .png .jpg or .jpeg formats
    5. Five Steps to Take Before Exam Day
      1. Review your Contact Information
        1. Confirm your Email Address with College Board Here
      2. Choose Your Tech: 
        1. Choose Your Device
        2. Prepare Your Documents for Typing
          1. Decide which format you want to write your test in
          2. Remember you will need to download if you use something like Google Docs in the right format
          3. Write your AP ID and Initials in the Header on your document ahead of time
        3. Prepare Your Documents for Handwriting
          1. Use whit paper (lined or unlined)
          2. Use standard size (8.5 x 11)
          3. Use #2 pencil or pen with black or blue ink
          4. You cannot use more than 5 pages
          5. Write your AP ID and Initials at the top of each page and number pages 1-5
      3. Use the AP 2020 Exam Demo to Practice the Test Your Tech
        1. Opens May 4
        3. If this doesn't work for you then it will not work on the Test day so check that it works on your device!
      4. What Students Need on Exam Day
        1. Exam e-ticket email
        2. Completed Exam Day Checklist (including AP ID)
        3. Device: Laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.
        4. Browser: Chrome (recommended), Firefox, Safari, or Edge
        5. Internet or cellular connection
      5. Look for your Exam Confirmation and E-Ticket Emails
        1. May 4
          1. You'll receive an exam confirmation email on May 4 with your AP ID and a list of exams you're registered for.
          2. You can check which exams you registered for in My AP
        2. Two Days Before Each Exam
          1. You will receive an email with your e-ticket and AP ID
    6. Complete the AP Exam Day Checklist
    7. Exam Day
      1. 30 Minutes before your local start time
        1. Check-In
          1. Use e-ticket to check in to exam
          2. Complete identity information
          3. Wait for exam to begin automatically
      2. 45 Minutes
        1. Question Appears
          1. Read Question
        2. Develop Response
      3. 5 Minutes
        1. Submit Response
          1. Exam is completed
    8. Your Testing Environment
      1. Do your best to test by yourself in a quiet room
        1. Remove distractions
        2. Enable the DO NOT DISTURB or quiet setting on your device
        3. Let your parents, guardians, siblings, and friends know when you'll be testing so they don't disturb you.
      2. Make sure your device is plugged in
      3. If you have limited bandwidth, ask others on your network to limit their use of the internet during your exam
      4. Have your checklist and any required documents next to you
    9. Be aware that plagiarism detection software WILL BE USED on your assessment
    10. What Could Go Wrong While I'm Testing?
      1. If you accidentally close your browser, your device crashes, or you temporarily lose internet access you can quickly click your exam e-ticket again to return to the exam
        1. Continue the exam and if you feel the disruption hurt your exam you can request approval to take the makeup exam
        2. During the exam don't refresh your browser or hit the back arrow
      2. Don't call
    11. Exam Scores
      1. Exam will still be scored on a 1-5 scale
      2. Scores will be released later - beginning about July 15

I hope this helps!  Make sure you follow all these guidelines to ensure a smooth and easy experience when the AP Exams roll around!

If you need anything or have any questions let me know!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28 - Time Period 4 Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome and great to be back folks!  As we race towards the AP Exam I miss you all more and more.  I hope that you are all staying on top of your work and prepping yourselves for the Exam!  This week we will be reviewing Time Period 4 & 5.  Let's get right to it!

  1. Review Time Period 4 for the AP Exam
    1. Collect evidence for free response
  2. Practice Questions for Time Period 4
  1. Time Period 4 Review
  2. Practice Questions
  1. Time Period 4 Document Questions due Friday before 11:59PM
  2. APUSH Exam May 15 at 11AM
  3. 4th Research Paper due May 22
    1. ACC DO NOT do this
That's all for the day folks!  Time Period 4 is an important one!  Many of you had asked for extra review of Period 4 so hope you enjoy!  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Sunday, April 26, 2020

AP Exam Update/Clarification

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hope that everyone is doing well and spending that time getting prepped for the AP Exam!  Its actually getting close!  There are quite a few people that still need to finish and turn in the Time Period 2 Review and the Time Period 3 Review is due tomorrow so make sure you are on top of these and getting the work done!

I have one quick update/clarification that I just saw this morning.  The DBQ for the modified AP Exam will be limited to Units 3-7!  So pay extra attention to those units!

As always if you need help or have questions please email me or post a comment.  I miss you all!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 23 - Time Period 3 Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to yet another remote lesson!  Hope you beautiful people are staying safe out there!  Today we will be looking at Time Period 3 and practicing with some documents once again.  Since the AP Test will be a modified DBQ practicing with documents is the best thing we can do to prepare ourselves.  Practicing writing a DBQ is the next best thing.  We will do some of that coming up as well.  I miss you all!  Let's get to it!

  1. Review Time Period 3 for the AP Exam
    1. Collect evidence for free response
  2. Practice Questions for Time Period 3
  1. Time Period 3 Review
  2. Practice Questions
  1. Time Period 2 Document Questions due TONIGHT before 11:59PM
  2. Chapter 31 Reading Notes due Sunday before 11:59PM 
  3. Time Period 3 Document Questions due Monday before 11:59PM
  4. APUSH Exam May 15 at 11AM
  5. 4th Research Paper due May 22
    1. ACC DO NOT do this
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you are all doing well and taking care!  I miss you! 

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April 21 - Time Period 2 Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to another remote lesson!  I'm glad to be back from Spring Break!  I always miss you all.  I feel much better when I am working and interacting with you.  I hope that you were able to relax over Spring Break, as much as you can given the circumstances.  Today we will be reviewing Time Period 2 and practicing analyzing some documents.  Good times!

  1. Review Time Period  for the AP Exam
    1. Collect evidence for free response
  2. Practice Questions for Time Period 2
  1. Time Period 2 Review
  2. Practice Questions
  1. Time Period 2 Document Questions due Thursday before 11:59PM
  2. Chapter 31 Reading Notes due Sunday before 11:59PM 
  3. APUSH Exam May 15 at 11AM
  4. 4th Research Paper due May 22
    1. ACC DO NOT do this
That's all for the day folks!  I hope that you are all doing well and staying safe.  When you can take some time to mentally refresh yourselves!  I miss you all!  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

For fun I built a Lego set over Spring Break!  I haven;t built a Lego in like 25 years.  It took me 3 days and was tons of fun!  Too big now though, I don't know what to do with it lol 😂😂😂

Monday, April 13, 2020

Spring Break Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I hope that you are all doing well and ready for a little break!  I miss you all!  I am going to post a bunch of review resources here as we begin to prepare for the AP Exam on May 15.  All of this is completely optional and purely for your own benefit and self-study.  I will also be posting some short Spring Break Review Worksheets each day on Google Classroom, so make sure to check those out!  It is a wide variety of stuff so choose what you think will be most useful for you!  I hope that one day before too long we will be able to see each other again!  Remember that the modified test will only go to the end of Unit 7, so focus your studying on everything BEFORE 1945.

  1. Adam Norris Review Worksheets
    1. We all know and love Adam Norris.  Here are the Review Worksheets he created for each unit.  They are pretty awesome and provide a variety of ways to study each time period.  They also provide documents, which are extra important for this modified DBQ!
      1. Unit 1 - 1491-1607
      2. Unit 2 - 1607-1754
      3. Unit 3 - 1754-1800
      4. Unit 4 - 1800-1848
      5. Unit 5 - 1844-1877
      6. Unit 6 - 1865-1898
      7. Unit 7 - 1890-1945
  2. Turning Point
    1. Turning points are often used to frame a question on the AP exam.  If you get a DBQ question that references a turning point, then here are some great worksheets to help you prepare for those!
      1. Turning Point Worksheet Part 1
      2. Turning Point Worksheet Part 2
  3. Argumentation
    1. Here are some worksheets to help you develop and write a thesis, and then it has you practicing developing evidence to support and refute your thesis.  Good practice for helping you build your paper.
      1. Argumentation Worksheet #1
      2. Argumentation Worksheet #2
      3. Argumentation Worksheet #3
  4. Practicing Contextualization and Synthesis
    1. Two of the most difficult points to earn on the exam!  The Synthesis point has been changed since this was created but it is still a good place to start!
      1. Contextualization and Synthesis Worksheet
  5. Chronological Reasoning
    1. It is not always that important to remember specific dates.  What is important though, is that you know when things happened in relation to each other.  This worksheet has you practice noting when events happen in relation to each other.  Good practice!
      1. Chronological Reasoning Worksheet
  6. Define the Period
    1. Here is a worksheet that is great for identifying and defining important eras in U.S. history.
      1. Defining the Period Worksheet
  7. Document Analysis Worksheets
    1. You will need to read and analyze at least two documents and integrate them into your DBQ essay.  You need to utilize HIPP here!  Remember at least one of the documents you get will be a visual document.
      1. The Bosses of the Senate Political Cartoon
      2. A Red Scare Political Cartoon
      3. A Sharecropping Contract
      4. Teddy Roosevelt Political Cartoon
      5. Boss Tweed Political Cartoon
      6. Excerpt About the Red Summer
      7. Jacob Riis Photography
      8. Chinese Exclusion Act Political Cartoon
      9. New York Journal Cover
      10. Cross of Gold Speech
      11. Unemployment Chart 30s and 40s
  8. Miscellaneous Review stuff
    1. Here is a collection of worksheets and resources I have accumulated over the years.  Feel free to check them out and use as you see fit!
      1. 284 Things Every APUSH Student should know
      2. 540 Things Every APUSH Student Should Know
      3. 2018 Final Review Packet
      4. APUSH Review Packet
      5. 2016 Norris Review Packet
      6. Supreme Court Cases you should know
      7. Encyclopedia of American Political Thought
      8. Kerwin Review Book from 2016
      9. Key Concept Vocabulary
      10. Marshall Court Cases (Supreme Court)
      11. Political Parties Poster
      12. U.S. Constitution (Just because you should know this!)
Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Friday, April 10, 2020

Spring Break Update

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I’ve been waiting for guidance from the district so that I could formulate an academic plan for the remainder of the year. 

What the district has decided, in short, it to give “Credit” to every student that had a D- or better as of March 13.  If a student had an F on March 13, they will receive “No Credit” and have to go through a “Credit Recovery” program if they want to pass the course and receive “Credit”. 

Bottom line, a vast majority of you have “Credit” no matter what you do for the rest of the semester.  Congratulations!!

However, I plan to continue with the semester’s curriculum so that students have the opportunity to properly complete the course, take a final exam to check for understanding of the material and prepare as well as possible for the AP Exam.

Next week is Spring Break.  From what I understand, I’m not supposed to post any assignments during this time.... so I won’t.  However, I will be posting new review material if anyone is interested.

All the work that was assigned between March 16 and April 10 will be graded and entered in Google Classroom.  If there is work that you didn’t do but would like me to recognize its completion, I will be accepting, scoring and entering them until April 19.  Officially, it won’t change your grade but if you want to see yourself maintain or improve your grade, I’ll be updating on Google Classroom!!

Starting on April 20, I’ll be assigning review work in preparation for the AP Exam and Final Project.  My plan is to assign two or three assignments a week to help get everyone up to speed.  If you complete the work, I’ll be giving your credit.  If you don’t complete the work, I’ll enter a zero.  Again, it won’t affect your grade at all.  It’s just a way to letting students know that I’m paying attention and let parents know if their student is doing any work.

So that’s the plan.  If I find out I’m violating some district rules, I’ll adjust things accordingly.  If you have any questions, email me and we’ll sort it out. 

Thanks for reading!  Stay safe and healthy!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

AP Test update from Ms. Chu!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Here is an update from Ms. Chu about the AP Test that she wanted us all to pass along to you!  Most of this I think I already shared with you but there is definitely some good info here, in particular the "TO DO" list at the bottom.  Hope you are all doing well!  Hope you enjoy your Spring Break! 

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti


Updates for AP Students and Schools Affected by Coronavirus:

2020 Exam Schedule:

Course Specific Information:

Exam Security/ Test Day Protocols:

EXAM DATES: May 11-May 22

-3 exams per day spaced 2 hours apart (9, 11, 1pm PST)

-Each subject exam taken on the same day at the same time worldwide

-Students should make plans to take their exam on the primary exam date

-Highly recommend students to take the test during the standard window

-Makeup Exam Dates: June 1-5. This is the last opportunity to take an AP exam, there will be NO other opportunities

-No action is required by student or school to indicate which date students intend to test


-All exams are open book/open note

        -may access class notes and class resources

        -not permitted to incorporate work which is not the students’ own

        -may not consult with other individuals during the testing period

-Most exams are 45 minutes long, one or two free response questions

-No separate online exam for ‘portfolio’ courses: AP Art and Design (2D, Art 3D, Drawing), AP Computer Science Principles, AP Research, and AP Seminar

-New Submission deadline: May 26

-Use of a calculator is allowed and may be helpful- questions are designed such that required calculations can be done with pencil and paper


-Each exam is designed to be taken at home

-Students can use any device that they have access to: computer, tablet, smartphone OR taking a photo of handwritten work will also be an option

-If your students need mobile tools or connectivity, you can reach out directly to let College Board know: (can be filled out directly by students, or by teachers /AP coordinator on behalf of students) DEADLINE to indicate need: April 24th

-Coming in late April: information and video demonstrations on how to access the testing system on test day

-No lockdown browser needed

-World Language will have a voice recording component, more information about tech requirements will be forthcoming

-Any technical difficulties on exam day, students can submit an incident form themselves on exam day and they may be granted permission to retake the exam on the makeup test date

-Students don’t need to take any further registration steps to test on the new online exam dates

-All students who currently have “yes” status under taking exam will receive information about taking the exam at home.


-Comprehensive and strict set of protocols in place to prevent and detect cheating

-Exams designed for at-home administration with security in mind

-Each subject’s exam will be taken on the same day at the same time worldwide

-Tools used to detect plagiarism

-Some protocols remain confidential to maximize effectiveness

-Teachers will receive the work that students submit

-Serious consequences for students who violate exam security


-All AP exams will be delivered online directly to students this year regardless of whether some schools are able to reopen.

-Students will be able to take online AP exams with College Board approved accommodations such as extended time. Additional details about accommodations will be available soon.

-AP Art and Design students will be uploading their work digitally, there will not be physical envelopes being mailed.


1.) Ensure that email address in their College Board account is one they have access to. Need to replace school email account with a personal email account. THIS IS IMPORTANT. All testing information will be sent to this email address from College Board. 

        -Click on name—> account settings—> login—> scroll down to email address—> replace school issued email address with an ​email address that can be accessed —> scroll down and press “Update” 

2.) Confirm that the correct school code is listed in their AP profile 

        -Go to My AP Profile—> Registration tab—> School you attend, write in 053091 for Leland High School --> scroll down and press Save

3.) Indicate the school or institution they would like their AP score to be sent to for free

        -Go to My AP profile --> Score send tab --> enter college name --> press save

Thursday, April 9, 2020

April 9 - Time Period 1 Review

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome back to day 5 of distance learning!  Today we will begin reviewing for the AP Exam. We will be taking a look at Time Period 1 today.  We will do a little lecture time, some direct instruction for y'all!  Then we will take a look at a couple of practice questions and discuss strategies for answering them.  As always I miss you all and I am thinking about you constantly.  Use this time to enrich yourselves as much as you can!  Watch and/or read stuff that can help you learn!

  1. Review Time Period 1 for the AP Exam
    1. Collect evidence for free response
  2. Practice Questions for Time Period 1
  1. Time Period 1 Review
  2. Practice Questions
  1. PATRIOT ACT activity due Tonight before 11:59PM
  2. Due Tomorrow before 11:59PM
    1. Cold War Timeline
    2. Outside Reading Project
      1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
    3. 4th Annotated Bibliography
      1. ACC do NOT do this one
  3. Chapter 30 Reading Notes due Sunday before 11:59PM 
  4. Time Period 1 Document Questions due Sunday before 11:59PM
  5. APUSH Exam May 15 at 11AM
Next week is still "Spring Break" so there will be no new assignments for the week.  If you need any extra help or would like some extra practice let me know!  I will of course always be available to help you!

That's all for the day folks!  Lots of stuff to get done over the next couple of days!  I hope that you are all doing very well and taking good care of yourselves.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

4-9-2020 PPT

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 7 - PATRIOT Act Activity

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome everyone!  Its day 4 of our distance learning experience!  Yay!  I hope that you are all doing well and riding out this closure.  I really hope that you are finding enriching ways to spend your time.  If you are curious about movies or books worth watching/reading over this time off please feel free to ask!  I love movies and books!  As for today's lesson we will be looking at the USA PATRIOT ACT.  This is a controversial law that allows the government broad powers to spy and collect data on US.  It is still in place today even though it has been controversial.  This will be one of our very last "new" lessons.  After this we will be spending time reviewing for the upcoming AP Test.  I miss you all!  Hope you are all doing well!

  1. Analyze documents and determine the effectiveness of the USA PATRIOT ACT
  1. PATRIOT ACT Activity
    1. Patriot Act Graphic Organizer
      1. What is the Patriot Act? (DOJ document)
      2. Patriot Act Flyer (ACLU Document)
      3. Patriot Act II (ACLU Document)
      4. Privacy vs. National Security: Where do we draw the line?
  1. PATRIOT ACT activity due Thursday before 11:59PM
  2. Chapter 30 Reading Notes due Sunday before 11:59PM 
  3. Due April 10
    1. Cold War Timeline
    2. Outside Reading Project
      1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
    3. 4th Annotated Bibliography
      1. ACC do NOT do this one
  4. APUSH Exam May 15 at 11AM
That's all for the day folks!  I miss you and hope that you are doing well, staying safe, and taking care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

4-7-2020 PPT

Friday, April 3, 2020

APUSH Exam Update

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

College Board has provided an update about how and what the AP tests will be taken/look like.  Please check out the information below and make sure you pay close attention to what type of question and what will be on the test!  I will provide updates as I get them.

APUSH Exam Info

  • Date - May 15 at 11AM - MUST CHECK IN 30 MINUTES EARLY
  • Timing - 45 minutes to read and respond to 1 question - 5 minutes to upload your response
  • Question - 1 modified DBQ essay respone (45 minutes)
  • Question Description - The question presents students with 5 historical sources (instead of 7!), 1 of which will be a non-text based source.  This question assesses students' ability to
    • Respond to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis or claim that establishes a line of reasoning (no change here)
    • Describe a broader historical context relevant to the prompt (no change here)
    • Support an argument in response to the prompt using at least 4 documents (4 instead of 6!)
    • Use at least 2 additional pieces of specific historical evidence (beyond that found in the documents) relevant to an argument about the prompt (2 instead of 1!)
    • For at least 2 documents, explain how or why the document's point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience is relevant to an argument (only 2 HIPPs instead of 3!)
    • Use evidence to corroborate, qualify, or modify an argument that addresses the prompt (no change here - this is synthesis!)
  • Modified Document-Based Question (DBQ).  The prompt for the 2020 modified DBQ may be derived from any of Units 3-7, and will include 5 documents (instead of 7).  The rubric will be lightly modified to match the reduced number of documents, awarding 1 point for using 2 documents and an additional point for using 4 documents.  An additional point will be awarded for effectively incorporating a second piece of outside knowledge into the argument.  Students can earn up to 2 points for sourcing (1 point for each document)
  • Units eligible for 2020 exam - Units 1-7
    • So this is a bit weird because these two statements make it unclear if it will be Unit 1-7 or 3-7.  Therefore we will err on the side of caution and review Units 1-7.
  • Units not included in the 2020 exam - Units 8-9 (this did not change)
  • Make-up test date and time - June 3 at 9AM (this is a second date that you can take it at BUT I am not sure how this works)
Modified DBQ Rubric (Changed the rubric we have used to match the new descriptions)

Here are some resources direct from the College Board so you can check out any other AP tests that you are planning on taking.  

If you have any questions feel free to email me!  This is a whole new setup so we will do our best to adapt and prepare for the new test!  We will be starting our review this upcoming week and will embed some document practice for you all.  

I hope that you are doing well.  I very much miss you all.  Time to rise to the difficult circumstances we are faced with!  Let's do this!  

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

Mr. Kerwin created a video overview of the new DBQ and shared it so check this out!

Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 2 - Clinton Writing Activity

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our third remote lesson!  I hope that everyone is doing well and getting into a groove of doing school at home, a bit weird I must confess but hopefully not bad!  I know these are difficult times so do your best with what you got!  For today's lesson we will be examining the Clinton presidency!  You will be watching the Crash Course, and reading a pro and a con document and then using these to formulate a written response.  We will be focusing more on the writing process since it seems that the AP exam will be some form of writing exam.  I miss you all!  If you have any questions or need any help let me know!

  1. Determine the effectiveness of the Clinton Administration through reading, discussion, and writing
  1. Clinton Writing Activity
  1. Lecture 25 Questions due Tonight!
  2. Clinton Writing Activity due Sunday before 11:59PM
  3. Chapter 29 Reading Notes due Sunday before 11:59PM
    1. Submit notes via Google Docs to Google Classroom (Type your notes!)
  4. Cold War Timeline due April 10
  5. Outside Reading Project due April 10
    1. Make sure to choose a book from the second semester list (must cover a topic from the 20th and/or 21st century)
  6. 4th Annotated Bibliography due April 10
    1. ACC do NOT do this one
  7. APUSH Exam TBD
That's all for the day!  Do your best to manage your time and complete assignments in a timely fashion.  I miss you!  Take care!

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

4-2-2020 PPT