Monday, June 1, 2020

Finals Week and Farewell!

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

Well here it is!  We are at our last week of school!  The last 12 weeks have been interesting to say the least.  You have literally lived through one of the most significant events in world history in the last 100 years.  This pandemic has been scary and difficult, we have had to make massive adjustments to the way we live.  I hope that you have been able to adjust and continue working hard.  You deserve a relaxing summer break, but remember to stay safe!

Before we go to summer do not forget the End of Year Project that is due tomorrow (June 2)!  I will try to get those scored and returned to you quickly!  I am so proud of the work you did for the AP Exam, as well as the AP Exam itself!  You rose to the challenge and I am so proud of you!

Keep an eye out for messages from the school about returning school materials.  We will need those APUSH textbooks back!  I have not heard yet when that will be occurring but it will be imperative that you get it done in a timely fashion.  When I get information regarding this I will share it with you all.

I am proud of the work that you have done.  I hope that you were able to continue learning and growing while sheltered in place.  It will be important going into next school year that you have the skills necessary to continue your academic advancement and growth.  Take the summer to relax and center yourself.  We don't know yet what the Fall will bring.  Hopefully there can be a more normal state of things, but that is unclear at this time.

I have missed you all very much over these past weeks and months.  I miss being in the classroom enjoying our conversations.  I miss interacting with you all.  Despite the disruptions I know that you will be well and do well in your future.

Live long and prosper,

Mr. Marchetti

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